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When the heat is on

At this time of year, the tank is often empty but the to-do list remains long. Just thinking about everything you’re juggling can make you feel anxious.

So much to get done, so little time. Help!

When this feeling takes hold it’s good to have tools you can use in the moment to support yourself, like STOP. This is a four step process to:

  • Stop/Take slow deep breaths

  • Observe (What’s around you? Tune in and focus on what can you see/smell/hear/touch/taste)

  • Proceed with the activity you were doing.

This can be an excellent circuit breaker when you’re feeling in a heightened state of stress.

The breathing part in particular is a powerful tool we can use anywhere, anytime.

Moving from short, shallow breaths to slow and steady ones from your belly will help to shift your body from ‘fight or flight’ mode into ‘rest and digest’.

It’s a much calmer place to be.

Now, can you take your problems out for a walk? Getting moving, especially in nature, can lift your mood and put you back into a better decision-making space.

If you can’t get out, can you find a quiet spot? Even if you have to go and sit in the bathroom that’s fine - the trick here is to imagine yourself elsewhere.

Think of a place that you like being and where you feel safe. Try to visualise everything about this place - the sights, the sounds, the smells.

Taking a short break from your current worries can help you gain perspective.

Remember, it’s normal to feel stressed at times. Stress can even be good for us - it can be motivating and energising. It’s when we carry it around with us that it can begin to take a heavy toll.

Let’s see what we can do to avoid that.