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The 6 Pillars: Chill

The Chill Pillar is all about reducing stress. It's the things you do to calm your mind, relax your body, and switch off your fight or flight response.

The science: Engaging in Chill activities helps strengthen communication between your prefrontal cortex and amygdala, which stops the overproduction of stress hormones, which can lead to burnout.

You'll know you're in Chill when:

  • Your body is relaxed
  • Your mind is calm
  • You're focusing on the present moment

Below are some easy Chill wellbeing actions to weave into your day.

Wellbeing actions to relax the body

Take a breathing break

Spend a few minutes breathing deep into your belly. Deep breathing helps to calm the mind and tells the amygdala, your brain's "lookout", it's safe to stand down.


Take a few moments to stretch. Breathe deeply at the same time and try to really notice your body. This will help to bring your awareness back to the present moment.

Go for a walk

Head out for a gentle walk and notice your surroundings. Try to avoid listening to music or a podcast, at least for a few minutes, and use this time to practise some mindfulness, instead.

Wellbeing actions to calm the mind


Writing your thoughts - ideally by hand - helps to clear your head. Set a time for five minutes and write whatever comes to mind. The idea with this activity is to let it all out, without trying to control what comes up, or be judgemental about what you write. You can always throw away the paper as soon as you've finished!

Take time to just be

Give yourself space to breathe and just be. Pop away any distractions, such as your phone, and relax in your own company. Spend a few minutes sitting in the sunshine or watching the clouds. Slowly sip a hot beverage. Doodle on a piece of paper. Taking time to just be only takes a few minutes and is a great way to find calm in even the busiest of days.

Wellbeing actions for focusing on the present moment

Try the 5-4-3-2-1 technique

The 5-4-3-2-1 technique connects you with the five senses of sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste. Find a quiet space, take a deep breath, then follow the steps in this article to help you feel more calm.

Take a break outside

There's plenty to bring your focus onto the present moment outside, especially in nature. Pause and listen to birds chirping, watch the waves at the beach, or just gaze at the sky.

Choose a Chill DOT

DOT stands for Do One Thing. There's a lot in this list, so choose one thing to try for a week and see how you feel!